Looking back. And ahead.

Over at the very recommendable Sequential Workshop forum, I just submitted my list of stuff I got done in 2013 and stuff I’m planning to get done in 2014. Yes, ’tis the season for year round-ups. Anyway, no harm in posting it here, too.

2013 was an interesting year. I’ve focussed more on German and local activities and built a bit more of a standing here – so it wasn’t much you’d notice here on the English site. I guess I’ll have to make it up to you next year.

What I got done in 2013:

  • I didn’t get as many webcomics pages out as I’d planned, but those I got out included the spy comic I’ve been mentioning for years and some Conny Van Ehlsing stories I’m kinda fond of.
  • Wrote a lot of nice concepts for stories beyond my usual titles. Some of them I got out as throwaway concepts or “bad” movie ideas and such.
  • Got involved with a local online culture mag that’s becoming a bit of a hit now. We’re opening a major local literature festival next. Well, the people who actually wrote stuff for it are, rather than just submit old comics. Also, during an outside exhibition my poster was the first to get nicked – I call that a win.
  • Started a new comic for a motorcycle magazine.
  • Co-published a horror anthology with a handful of German webcomics people, called ANDERS. Sales and reviews are encouraging.
  • Also published a little book with two Olga Stark comics. Less reassuring, but it’ll do.

What I didn’t get done in 2013:

  • That astronaut comic I’ve been scribbling at every now and then.
  • Two weekly webcomics, like, every week.
  • English versions of my books. Yet again.

Plans for 2014:

  • Book 4 of Conny Van Ehlsing is due before Summer (in German, you guessed it).
  • At least two of 2013’s new concepts seem worth developing. I’ll try my best to squeeze that in.
  • Looking into new ways of financing the webcomics. One will involve a lot of ebooks.
  • Also looking into Create Space, Comixology and the likes for English books. Been looking for a while now, time to make.
  • Site overhaul. Not just for me: there are at least three sites waiting for me to get going.

There’s more, actually, but I don’t really know if I’m supposed to talk about that here. Either way, I have a lot of stuff lined up for 2014, and probably 2015, too. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to it!